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Masaki Hagino

Contemporary Painting Artist

   Contemporary painting artist. Born in 1987 in Japan. Based and woking in Japan and Germany. BA at Nagoya City University in Japan in 2011. Completed Diploma (MA) at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art Halle in Germany in 2019.

   Hagino has been researching and creating contemporary paintings based on subjective spatial perception and its representation in the human brain under the theme of 《Darstellung der inneren Wirklichkeit- Auseinandersetzung mit subjektiver Wahrnehmung anhand eines mehrdimensionalen Perspektivsystems-》 ( "Representation of the inner reality: Subjective Perception and Multilayered Perspective.)

萩野 真輝
  現代絵画作家。 1987年日本生まれ。ドイツと日本を拠点に活動。2011年名古屋市立大学卒業。2019年ドイツ・ブルク・ギービヒェンシュタイン芸術大学ハレにてディプロマ(修士)修了。主観的な空間認識とその脳内表現に基づく現代絵画を「内側の写実表現 -主観的知覚と多重遠近法-」をテーマに研究・制作を続けています。



 萩野は、「Darstellung der inneren Wirklichkeit- Auseinandersetzung mit subjektiver Wahrnehmung anhand eines mehrdimensionalen Perspektivsystems-」(内側の写実表現ー主観的知覚と多重遠近法ー)」を主題として2013年より、現代絵画として人間の脳内における主観的空間認識、そしてその表現の研究・制作を続けています。







Subjectivity into painting

"It dwells within"

 Hagino has been studying and creating contemporary paintings on the theme 'Darstellung der inneren Wirklichkeit- Auseinandersetzung mit subjektiver Wahrnehmung anhand eines mehrdimensionalen Perspektivsystems-' (Representation of Inner Reality - Engagement with Subjective Perception through a Multidimensional Perspective System) since 2013. His focus lies in exploring and expressing the subjective spatial perception within the human brain and investigating its representation.


 Recent research has revealed that approximately 80-90% of information gathered by the brain is through visual perception. Additionally, structurally within the human body, it has been studied across various fields such as psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience that individuals never perceive the same world. Through these studies, it becomes apparent that we consistently perceive the world on a personal and subjective level, which Hagino perceives as viewers dissecting paintings using the tool of subjectivity. Every element composing the dissected painting is then reconstructed within the viewer's brain.

 Throughout the extensive history of art spanning thousands of years, many artists have grappled with the theme of 'how to represent the three-dimensional world perceived by humans onto a two-dimensional plane.' During the process of the artist creating the artwork and the viewer appreciating it, there are two subjective interpretations. The first is when the artist perceives the world and expresses it in two dimensions. The second is when the viewer perceives the artwork. In this 'compression and decompression' process, the artwork inevitably undergoes changes due to these two subjective recognitions, influenced by both parties' subjective perceptions. As the philosopher Kant also noted, humans process the perceived world through subjective filters of knowledge, experience, emotions, and memories, significantly impacting subjective recognition.

 In this research project, spatial representations originating from the 'subjective world' perceived and reconstructed by humans and their brains are conducted. Hagino's technique, which he named 'multidimensional perspective,' involves layering semi-transparent materials like wax or silicone on the canvas, creating multiple layers and intricately overlaying the relationship of motifs in each layer. This complex layering enriches the depth of the canvas, enabling the representation of temporal shifts and perceptual discrepancies.

 Hagino's work, segmented and reconstructed through these multiple layers, is completed by extracting pure perceptual information (elements constituting the world) that has been disassembled into various components before being reconstructed within the subjective brain. In essence, it exists as a 'device' intended for viewers to utilize the inherently subjective recognition that occurs twice between the artist and the viewer, allowing them to reconstruct the artwork more freely and subjectively within their minds. In this sense, it stands in stark contrast to Cubism's representation of spatiality without human mediation, instead employing a highly human-centric internal structure for spatial expression.

 The inherent, underlying dual processes of compression and resolution between the artist and the viewer constitute the origin of Hagino's main series titled 'Dwelling Within.' This series encapsulates the triadic structure of artist-artwork-viewer and embodies the very nature of painting."

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